In person at Rideauview Bible Chapel and online via Zoom
Details are here:
Kanata, Ontario
In person at Rideauview Bible Chapel and online via Zoom
Details are here:
What a blessed weekend we had at the Easter Conference with Mike Attwood and Steve Price.
Did you miss a message or you want to hear the messages again? You can view them on the Rideauview YouTube channel or listen to them as a podcast:
>> Youtube:…
>> Podcast:
A three part teaching series at Bridlewood Bible Chapel
How to Study the Bible by Jamie Martin
Saturday February 26, 2022
Meeting Times:
Virtual or In Person attendance is available
Sessions are open to all age groups and we would encourage everyone to attend
Session will be interactive – please be prepared with a Bible, Concordance (physical or electronic), paper and pen/pencil
Please register in advance
To register or if you have any questions please use “Contact Us“
The Northern Men’s Conference is planned, Lord willing, as an all-Zoom conference for Saturday April 10 at 10 am – Noon.
Our speaker is Phil Barnes, Executive Director for MSC Canada. Phil and his wife, Marilyn, currently reside in Stoney Creek, Ontario. For a number of years, Phil and Marilyn were in New Liskeard as full time workers in Northern Ontario. They subsequently served as missionaries in Zimbabwe, before returning to to work with MSC.
This conference is for men of all ages.
Please connect between 9:45 and 9:55 am, so that we can begin on time.
Click here to launch Zoom and join the conference.
If you wish to call in, those details are below.
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Friday, April 2nd – Sunday, April 4th, 2021
A Virtual Conference Hosted by Bridlewood Bible Chapel
Warren Henderson-Stevensville, MT | Randy Hoffman – Heidelberg, ON |
A former aerospace engineer, Warren now serves the Lord in full-time ministry with his wife Brenda. They were commended to the Lord’s work by Believer’s Bible Chapel in Rockford, Illinois in 1998. Warren is an itinerant Bible teacher, and is involved in family counselling, writing, evangelism, and church planting. | Randy met and married his wife Sherri while they attended Emmaus Bible College. After years in the apple orchard business, Randy and Sherri were commended by Heidelberg Bible Fellowship to local and itinerant teaching in Ontario and the US. They are involved in assisting the elders where needed, including pastoral care and premarital counselling. |
Easter Conference Recordings: Video and Audio in .mp4 format can be found here: Link to video recordings Audio only in .mp3 format can be found here: Link to audio only recordings |
Other Useful Links: Warren Henderson’s YouTube Channel with additional ministry: Link to Warren’s YouTube Channel Warren Henderson’s website with information about his books: Link to Warren’s Website |
Details and a link to conference can be found here.
On rare occasions, often separated by hundreds of years, God revealed future events to his prophets. He did this through the agency of the Holy Spirit and preserved the revelations the prophets received in the Scriptures. They are there for our benefit that we might know that the Bible is the Word of God and that we might understand what God has done, is doing, and will do.
One might think that if God wanted us to know the future, took the trouble to have communicated it to his prophets, commanded them to write it down, and preserved it for thousands of years in the Bible for us to read, that he would have stated what was going to happen in the simplest terms so that everyone could understand it. This is not the case. Biblical prophecies are among the most difficult passages of the Bible to interpret. Not even the prophets who wrote them down always understood what they meant.
Join us for this series of talks as we study the nature, content, and significance of the predictive passages of the Bible.
If you’d like to join live via Zoom, please contact Randy Hoffman at Heidelberg Bible Fellowship. Recordings of the series will be available online here.
On YouTube Live
Joe Reese will deliver his messages that were planned for the annual retreat. He will speak Sunday, February 21st at the Family Bible Hour as well as Wednesday, February 24th and Wednesday, March 3rd at the Mid-week Prayer Meeting. Use “Contact Us” to be added to the emails with all the Webex information.
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