February 13, 2016 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Need help building your car?

Come to Bridlewood Bible Chapel on Saturday, Feb 13, 9 am – 11 am.

We will have tools

and can help you with your car.



Awana Grand Prix Notes

  • Cars must be newly built for this year using the Awana kit and only the Awana wheels and axles.
  • You must race your own car.
  • Please do most of the work on your car. Get an adult to help with sharp tools. Parents can build and race their own car!
  • You can paint your car and add any decoration you like. Be sure to attach everything securely.
  • Maximum size, weight for cars is under “Grand Prix” here: www3.sympatico.ca/dave.kinsey. In Canada, 150g is the weight limit. Cars are checked before the races.
  • You can oil your wheels but don’t use a messy lubricant and wipe any extra off. Do not use washers.
  • Once a car is entered to race, it may NOT be altered in any way. So finish the car before you come to race!